How to support our charity organization
As a registered charity, Mosoly Ovi-Suli is eligible for Gift Aid support. Based on this, our school can claim an amount equivalent to 25% of the membership fees and other donations received from UK taxpayers from HMRC. For this, we would need a written declaration from the contributors, which can be downloaded by clicking on the link below. Thank you very much for your support!
Download Mosoly Gift Aid Declaration Form
On the back of the form, you can find more information about the operation and conditions of Gift Aid.
Rules and responsibilities
As a non-profit organization, we do everything ourselves. Prior to the sessions, teachers prepare and set up the classrooms, and we kindly ask for parents' assistance with the preparation. Please note, eating is only allowed in the parquet-floored main hall, not in the carpeted rooms. After the sessions and clubs, we clean up together again.
For safety and fire safety reasons, it is mandatory to sign the attendance sheet at the door upon arrival and departure. We kindly request punctuality so that we can start the sessions on time, as these gatherings are short, and we don't meet often.
We respectfully remind our dear members that everyone is fully responsible for their own, their children's, and their guests' safety, behavior, and personal belongings. Parents are required to stay in the building during the entire teaching time, and children under 3 years old can only participate in the sessions with an accompanying adult.
Thank you very much for complying with our rules and showing respect to the school's premises and members.
Important! Since our school's building is rented by several groups, unfortunately, we cannot provide a peanut-free environment. However, we kindly ask parents not to bring peanuts or peanut-containing foods due to possible allergies. Thank you!